Lessons I learnt In 2021
For me, 2021 was full of pressures from different angles. Still, I acknowledge all the experiences because, I am able to draw lessons from them. Without much ado, let’s dive into the lessons.
1) Be opened to opportunities, wherever you are: I realise there are environments that are best suited to specific careers, businesses, relationships and so on. Yet, there are still opportunities that can be found in the environment you currently are.
Sometimes, we don’t have to go too far before we set our paths if only we can open our eyes to the opportunities that sorround us. Even if you still have to be in another environment later on in life, carve out the opportunities in your current environment.
In other words, maximise what you have, wherever you are while being opened to bigger opportunities. Still, in all these, be led.
2) Never let the entirety of your plans revolve around instability and unreliability: Most times, we set all our plans to revolve around unstable and unreliable people and things but, we forget that just as things change, people change and, this can cause plans to be thwarted.
Yes, there might be times we are unable to do without certain things and people, but, we shouldn’t let the entirety of our plans revolve around instability and unreliability. Create options, be discerning, be led 'or' be guarded.
3) Declutter: There are so many benefits to decluttering in a person’s life. One of them is reduction in stress.
While I was decluttering, I realised that, a major reason we hold on to so many things we don’t need is because we are emotionally attached to things.
Therefore, separate your emotions from your possessions.
4) Be conscious of your health: It’s funny how people take note of little things that go wrong with their possessions and immediately fix them but, these same people never attend to the pains their bodies give.
Pains (especially consistent ones), tell you that something is not right in your body. Instead of ignoring these pains or symptoms, why don’t you combat them early on before they escalate?
What are you doing? What should you not be doing? What should you be doing more of? What should you be doing less of? Have you gone for medical check-up before applying self medications?
Remember, your body is the vehicle for your assignment in life. Therefore, be wise in your dealings with your body.
There you have them; the four major lessons I learnt in 2021. I hope you apply them if and where necessary.