Men And Their Weaknesses
“When people are ready to, they change". - Andy Warhol
I was having a discussion with a man who was talking about women minding their own business in marriage. And behind that statement, I could sense that he meant that their opinions were not needed. While women need to know when opinions are needed, they can’t be shut off.
What’s your gain in being with a woman who doesn’t have a mind of her own? Still, women need to know there are rules for this. For instance, if you’ve proven to be unsubmissive, rebellious and untrustworthy consistently, it would be difficult for your opinions to be accepted.
Again, I see a lot of women wanting to change their men. The thing is, you don’t change people at your pace (that’s if they want to change). Still, there are things to be done if you can’t condone some acts.
One of it is to start from the positive before you show him (at the right time and with the right words), the negative things you can’t condone. Then, it’s left for him to decide. So, you can’t keep nagging him all day. This is because, “it’s better to live on the roof than share the house with a nagging wife”.
Besides, some things make themselves apparent before marriage. If he’s not going to change before marriage, what’s the assurance he would change after that. So, if you know you can’t cope with his weaknesses, please, don’t consider marrying him except you want to spend all your energy, praying or nagging him to change.
P.S: This isn’t an empowering post for men to be untoward.
Till the next post, keep learning.